- an immeasurably deep or seemingly bottomless chasm, depth, or void.
- a wide or profound difference between people.
- the regions of hell conceived of as a bottomless pit.
- a catastrophic situation seen as likely to occur.
- the primeval chaos out of which it was believed that the earth and sky were formed.
- (Beethoven- Symphony 7, Allegretto, mvt 2)
The more I experience, the less music I can listen to. The less films I can watch. The less books I can read. The less plays I can see. E V E R Y T H I N G claims a meaning. What is left is the brainless, the funny, the simple, the entertaining. Is that me, too?
I've written myself down since I was 16 and before that on paper. I've kept all the notes, the tram tickets, the diaries, the letters, the journals. I read them again and again. My core has stayed the same, but the passion has become a secret. I no longer share it.
I've always dreamed of a place. There has always been somewhere I've wanted to be. In the moment they seem like the greatest goal, but as time passes, new places take over and the old ones are forgotten. Although some of them creep back. And the further they are, the stronger their power over me.
My arcadias...
Provence, France when I was 14
Provence, France when I was 14
Done when I was 18, done again when I was 19 and done again when I was 20
Toledo, Spain when I was 18
Faroe Islands from when I was 18 and still
Melbourne, Australia from when I was 18 to when I was 20
Faroe saartel tapetakse/süüakse vaalasid. Ja sulle üldse vist ei meeldiks:
"This, together with the remoteness of any source of warm airflows, ensures that winters are mild (mean temperature 3.0 to 4.0 °C or 37 to 39°F) while summers are cool (mean temperature 9.5 to 10.5 °C or 49 to 51°F). The islands are windy, cloudy and cool throughout the year with over 260 annual rainy days. The islands lie in the path of depressions moving northeast and this means that strong winds and heavy rain are possible at all times of the year. Sunny days are rare and overcast days are common."
See vaalade pilt on kyll p2ris r6ve, aga siiski. Ma ei ole kuulnud, et see olek domineeriv osa elust F22ri saartel. K6ik, kes seal ka2inud on, ytlevad, et see on imeilus koht. Piqturesque porn. K6ik muu, mis sa kirjutasid tundub ainult positiivne. Soojad talved, kylmad suved on super minu meelest! Ja h2sti palju vihma ka!!
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