08 October, 2013

4 am

This was also written at and originally titled '4 o'clock'. I can't remember now why I changed it. Perhaps I somehow knew a conspiracy would be unveiled!

[Rives - The 4 a.m. mystery]

In the doorway holding every letter that I wrote
In the driveway pulling away putting on your coat
In the ocean washing off my name from your throat
In the morning, in the morning

[Fleet Foxes - The Shrine / An Argument]

09 September, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird

I saw through the eyes of a child and was sent back in time to summers before I referred to myself as me. When adventures meant challenging ghosts on dark autumn nights and hiding in forests to cast spells. When it was easy knowing what's right. When little experience had many stories to tell. Many more stories to tell than I have now.

'I hated him for that, but when you are in trouble you become easily tired: soon I was hiding in his lap and his arms were around me.'

[Harper Lee]

12 April, 2013

Heathers [v]

In the past few days I have watched so many strange late 80's films I feel confused about reality. This one tops them all. The camera angles, the colours, the music, the psycho idealism- a true and beautiful mindfuck. Also, as my friend pointed out- this is one of the few films where the era's style comes across nicely.

'The only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven.'

24 March, 2013

The Coast of Utopia

'He’s a free man because he gives away freely. I’m beginning to understand the trick of freedom. Freedom can’t be a residue of what was unfreely given up, divided up like a fought-over loaf. Every giving up has to be self-willed, freely chosen, unenforceable. Each of us must forgo only what we choose to forgo, balancing our personal freedom of action against our need for the cooperation of other people- who are each making the same balance for themselves. What is the largest number of individuals who can pull this trick off? I would say it’s smaller than a nation, smaller than the ideal communities of Cabet or Fourier. I would say the largest number is smaller than three. Two is possible, if there is love, but two is not a guarantee.'
[Tom Stoppard - The Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck]


16 February, 2013

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