25 August, 2010

Night guests

I was in a large student house
and my ex was upstairs

and we were alone

I was cleaning downstairs

it was dark and winter
and the streets were empty

but all the windows were open to let the air in
and then this creepy old homeless man with a dog started talking to me through the window

and I tried to be polite
but also said that I had to close the windows
and I wasn't too scared 'cause I knew Jaanus was upstairs

but the creepy man said that he didn't think so
and started climbing in from the window
and I said that my friend's upstairs
he just smiled and came in
and I tried to scream

but my voice was lost

and that's when I woke up

04 August, 2010

Uku and Mai under the stars

Stars are everything. They are time, chance and luck.

There were boys and girls under the stars. There was one boy for every girl and one girl for every boy. And for every star there was a boy and a girl in love. The stars were supposed to hold them together.

But the stars wondered around too much and got mixed up. So did the boys and girls.

Sometimes a boy or a girl would grab hold of a star, convinced it was theirs. Stars got confused of the wrong boy or girl and shook them down the edge of earth. That's how other stars lost their boys and girls. A beautiful idea and a plan full of love became a catastrophic bundle of nonsense.

Time passed. It was a rare thing now for the right boy or the right girl to find the right star, even more rare for the right boy to find the right girl or the other way around, and almost a miracle for them to meet under the right star together.

This is a story about Uku and Mai.

Or whoever YOU choose.

I feel autumn in my bones and winter in my heart. This is why I want spring in my head and summer in my veins.
This should answer all your questions.